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What A Difference!

Posted Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Summer 2021 (photo by Pogo Senior)

Summer 2018 (photo by Pogo Senior)

The ProcellaCOR treatment, carried out on June 28, has made a huge difference this summer on Lake Iroquois. Where once we would see matted stands of milfoil by the middle of summer, especially at the north end of the lake, by mid-July this year we enjoyed clear water. Better yet, the removal of the milfoil, also meant that boaters entering the lake at the public access were not churning through stands of the weed, breaking up pieces, and aiding it to spread through the lake. This will make a real difference in controlling this invasive. Pieces of milfoil root very easily, so each piece you see floating in the water is another potential plant, and once rooted, as we know from our experience here at Lake Iroquois, it will spread very, very quickly. In further good news, the preliminary report from the September plant survey shows that the treatment had no apparent effect on native aquatic plant species and, if the number of fishing boats spotted around the lake are any indication, the fishing this year has been pretty good too. The success of this project was made possible by the generous support of LIA members and donors and the many hundreds of hours of work by our intrepid volunteers.