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Watershed Partners Unite to Develop Watershed Action Plan for Lake Iroquois and Patrick Brook

Posted Tuesday, April 4, 2023

The Winooski Natural Resources Conservation District (WNRCD) has been awarded funds through the Lake Champlain Basin Program to develop a Watershed Action Plan for Lake Iroquois and the Patrick Brook watershed. WNRCD has partnered with Lake Iroquois Association (LIA), Lewis Creek Association (LCA) and water resources engineers from SLR to identify and address areas where stormwater runoff and phosphorus pollution could be improved to benefit water quality, wildlife habitat, and climate change resilience.

Throughout spring and summer 2023, partners will be conducting road and stream assessments to identify projects. The goal of these assessments is to identify areas where erosion, limited trees next to streams, or road runoff/culverts could be contributing pollutants like phosphorus to our streams and lakes, which then flow on to the LaPlatte River and Lake Champlain. Pollutants like phosphorus can contribute to algal and cyanobacteria blooms, impacting aquatic life and human health.

In addition to these road and stream assessments, WNRCD has a goal to complete Lake Wise (lake front) or Storm Smart (riparian or upland) assessments on at least ten private properties. Staff visit a property and generate a collection of clean water best management practice recommendations (such as rain gardens, buffer plantings, and driveway water bars) that keep water on site, spread it out, and sink it into the ground. These assessments are entirely voluntary. 

If you own property on a lake front and wish to sign up for a FREE Lake Wise assessment, sign up at   If you own upland property in the Lake Iroquois or Patrick Brook watershed, sign up for a FREE Storm Smart assessment at

If you have any questions please contact WNRCD Conservation Specialist, Adelaide Dumm: Adelaide@  or WNRCD District Manager, Casey Spencer: Casey@