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Loon Chicks Have Fledged!

Posted Sunday, June 13, 2021

For the third summer in a row, the loons on Lake Iroquois have successfully hatched to fledglings. The two chicks fledged on June 8. The loon family has been spotted around the lake over the last week. Please remember to watch out for the loons and the chicks when you are out on the lake.  Enjoy watching them but keep your distance as they can be easily spooked.  The Lake Iroquois loons are part of the Vermont loon success story.  Through the work of the Vermont Center for Ecostudies Loon Conservation Project in collaboration with citizens around the state the Vermont loon population has grown from 7 pairs thirty years ago to over 90 breeding pairs this year.  Lake Iroquois has had a nesting pair on the lake since 2016 but their first successful nesting was in 2019 with two chicks hatched.  Again in 2020 the loons successfully hatched two chicks and in 2021 we are happy to welcome two more chicks.  You can find more information about loons at the Loon Conservation Project. To see more pictures of the Lake Iroquois loons, go to our Facebook page.

Photo by Sue McGuire