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The 2023 Lake Iroquois Association Annual Meeting and Potluck July 19, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Event date: Wednesday, July 5, 2023
— Events News

Julie Moore, Secretary of the Agency of Natural Resources will be the guest speaker and will present the Lake Wise Gold Award to Lake Iroquois for having 15% of the lake front properties reaching the Lake Wise standard for lake friendly shoreline landscaping.

Alison Marchione, DEC Lake Wise Coordinator will be there to talk about the Lake Wise program and Casey Spencer, District Manager of the Winooski Natural Resources Conservation District, will provide a progress update on the Lake Iroquois – Patrick Brook Watershed Action Plan

There will also be a brief business meeting. Shannon Kelly, President of the LIA, will report on LIA activities around the lake and officers and directors will be elected. Only LIA members may vote. If you want to vote but haven’t joined or renewed your membership click here. Not sure whether you are a member? Email Jane Clifford at: info@

Following the business meeting we will have a potluck dinner and a chance to catch up with friends and neighbors.

Bring a dish to share – beverages, plates, and utensils will be provided.

LOCATION: Chris Conant’s camp: 744 Beebe Lane – under the tent (rain or shine)

HOW TO GET THERE:  Chris’s camp is the first one on Beebe Lane. If you drive, there is parking there and at the next two camps (also Conant family camps). You can also park at the beach. Or better yet, boat or walk over.